Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Loose Ends

I find that births and marriages are usually relatively easy to find. Finding a death for someone can be more tricky in that you may not know where or when it occurred. This can mean ploughing through the death indexes looking for suitable candidates. The two I'm focusing on at the moment are Kate Fox (Great Grandmother) and John M Batchelor (1st Cousin 1x removed). I'm pretty sure I've identified the "right" death for the latter, but Kate is a different matter.

Kate always made herself out to be younger than she really was, so establishing her date at death is tricky. Also, the last trace I can find of her is in London in 1929. She may have stayed there until she died, or she could have moved. I've picked what looks like the most likely one from my shortlist and ordered a copy of the death certificate for her and John.

At £9.25 a go, I hope I've got the right ones! I'll post the outcome when I get the certificates.

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